Hannah McKnight Divine Collection Hera breast forms review

Hannah McKnight: Hera Breast Forms Review

Hannah McKnight Divine Collection Hera breast forms review

For me, presenting en femme is a combination of a wig, makeup, jewelry, heels, clothes, and SHAPE. I am not trying to pass and I don’t believe in it and even if I did I have no illusion about my ability to blend in. I don’t try to “pass” or blend but I do want to look as femme as I can. There is a difference.

When I started to get serious about “real” clothes I started to invest a lot of time (and money) into my look. The right outfit, the right style, the right color, the right fit, the right everything. Through the trial and error of wearing femme clothes you start to learn the nuances of sizing and how inconsistent they are. Sure, I may be a 12 dress size and most of my stilettos are also a 12… but that number means little when I am out shopping. It’s all about what FITS and what you feel when you wear an outfit.

Since we roll the dice on clothes when it comes to sizing and discovering our style we realize that THIS side of us requires time, money, and patience. It demands a financial investment. That’s NOT to say you NEED a pair of $400 thigh pads or a $200 corset, but whether it’s a pair of cheap panties or the lowest priced lipstick at the store, if you want SOMETHING, be it femme clothes or anything else, you’re PROBABLY going to have to spend money on it.

I had no issue or qualms about dropping money on new shoes or outfits when I expanded my wardrobe from lingerie to proper clothes. But I was always hesitant to invest in forms. It was more appealing to spend $400 on dresses and heels than to spend the same amount on pads.

Eventually I did order a pair of breast forms. But they weren’t REAL forms, mind you. Just a simple pair of silicone padded forms. But they did the trick.

Whether it’s an iPhone or breast forms, things tend to be redesigned and improved. If you had asked what could be done to improve the forms I would be at a loss for words (yes, this CAN happen, lol). Buuut I was delighted to find out how wrong I was. I was provided a pair of The Breast Form’s newest forms to review and I am delighted to share my thoughts after months of wearing them.

Hannah McKnight Divine Collection Hera breast forms review
Hannah McKnight Divine Collection Hera breast forms review
Hannah McKnight Divine Collection Hera breast forms review

The Hera is now available.

Their website describes the Hera as the ULTIMATE, most PERFECT crossdresser breast forms ever! I mean, that’s a pretty bold and definitive statement. But my God, they’re right, “It’s not bragging if it’s true”, as the saying goes.

If you’ve never worn forms before, terms like “silicone” mean very little. When it comes to forms, in my opinion, it comes down to how they LOOK and how they FEEL. The Breast Form Store’s website has a nice description of the, ah, technical aspects of these amazing forms so let’s chat about my experiences.

I don’t have natural breasts so I can’t comment on whether or not they feel NATURAL. However, I can absolutely attest to how they move with me. How they bounce when I strut. How I can wear them and feel their weight.

The Hera is described as “squishy” which sounds unappealing but it’s a perfect word. I’ve worn my Heras with sports bras and with lingerie and practical bras and there’s been no issue. My forms responded to my tight sports bra and they present themselves in all their cleavage glory when I wear a push-up bra.

There are many options when it comes to the Hera in terms of customization. I provided The Breast Form Store with my measurements and I feel and look proportionate with these forms. Simply put I am amazed at how natural and real I look and feel.

For over a year I’ve worn them each time I’ve gone out, whether it’s a day of shopping or for a photo shoot. Whether sitting, standing, walking, or laying down my forms move with me and rest in a natural way.

Are these forms cheap? No. Are they an investment? Absolutely. Do you NEED forms to be femme? Of course not. Will they help you “pass”? Well, I don’t believe in “passing” as this side of us is for US and what we want to wear and how we feel and think about ourselves.

If you are considering forms, whether it’s time for an upgrade or you’re ready for your first pair, I hope you consider the Hera.

Thank you to Hannah McKnight for taking the time to share your review with us! Click here to read the full article for Hannah’s full experience.

3 thoughts on “Hannah McKnight: Hera Breast Forms Review”

  1. Hi Hannah and BFS Community. First, I want to say you look beautiful, Hannah, and thank you for posting! And second, thank you BFS for being here!

    Hannah, I found your comments very helpful as I am trying to choose which breast forms are best for me. I’m 61 and have been dressing as my femme self for two years in January. I am getting more brave at work but not coming close to the way I dress when I come home from work. Still, the change that took place in me is evident in many ways for anyone paying attention, and I like that.

    Early on I bought some fairly inexpensive teardrop breast forms from amazon and they have helped affirm my feminine self. They aren’t attachable and at this point I am wanting breasts that feel part of me. The Hera forms have been in my shopping cart with BFS for a couple months and I had a couple wonderful and helpful email exchanges with Haileigh at the shop. Thank you Haileigh!

    The Hera forms are expensive and I am trying to gather all the information I can about how they feel, fit and look before I buy. I can tell the forms are very well made and that BFS is well respected. Hannah, your post was helpful.

    I am moving toward having the confidence and presence to feel, dress and look how I want however I want. The moment I realized I wanted to embrace my feminine self was on my yoga mat. These two thoughts came to me: 1. Life is short. 2. What anyone else thinks is none of my business. I carry this with me every day and I am trying as best I can to match my actions with my thoughts.

    I’ll stop here. Thank you Hannah. Thank you Breast Form Store. May we all have the courage and grace to be who we want to be. Always and in all ways.

    zen kitty

    1. I can definitely recommend the Hera! I have several pairs of breast forms from BFS and so I was hesitant to invest in the Hera as well – but it was so worth it! They have all the squish, bounce and jiggle of the real thing – and the edges blend so nicely. Looks like there are several “next to perfect” Heras on sale right now – I’m tempted to get a larger size for fun!

  2. Thank You Hannah for your wonderful review of the Hera and thank you Rebecca for your second recommendation. I first saw the Heras shortly after they came out but kind of ignored them because I already bought two of the Aphrodite in Large & XXX Large and love them. However earlier today I saw the “next to perfect” Heras on sale and been debating them for probably like 2hrs tonight after reading both of your comments I’m seriously considering them. Like said my only hesitation is I already have the two Aphrodite and just not sure there is enough of a difference (but think there might be). Like the Hera says “Great for Cleavage” & “Natural bounce” neither of which does the Aphrodite claim. Another hesitation is do I “settle” for the next to perfect or suck it up and buy the new/perfect ones. One reason is I love Lexi 60 nipples and those aren’t available on the next to perfect, but then I could go with the standard nipple and add my own divine nipples i just really love the complete and the nipples are one of the things I really love about the Divine collection they have the most realistic nipples i’ve seen on any forms and love the options. I own 6 of the divine nipples in addition to custom nipples on my Aphrodite forms. Hoping one of you or someone else might see this and be able to add something about how the Aphrodite and Hera compare. If not if I end up deciding to buy the Hera’s I’ll come back and add a comment about how the two compare. I bought my first set of forms like 20+ years ago and they were a small cheap basic pair to add like a cup size then shortly after I bought two different size pairs of transform classic, they gave nice size and were nice to take pictures with but the didn’t look or feel remotely real to touch or look at, though still have those also.
    I’m hesitant on the “next to perfect” as I bought a couple of next to perfect breast plates on another site and they were awful. I also bought a couple new breast plates to replace those before I bought my aphrodites and the aprodites shame them and wouldn’t of bought any of the breast plates had i bought the aphrodites first.

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