TBFS Girls: Meet Trish

TBFS Girls: Meet Trish

Breast Form Store has been reselling clothing to cross-dressers, transgender individuals, and gender-fluid individuals since 1993, and we ship anywhere in the world. We love saluting the beauty and diversity of our clients, because we want to make you look and feel beautiful.

A lot of people looking for a way to express their feminine side are looking for our services, so we asked our clients to submit some pictures and write a little bit about them. They are sharing some of their photos and stories to remind you that you are not alone in your desire to express yourself.

TBFS Girls: Meet Trish
TBFS Girls: Meet Trish
TBFS Girls: Meet Trish

Meet Trish

What’s your name? What are your pronouns?
Trish (she)

Where are you located?
North Carolina

What’s your favorite thing about expressing your feminine side?
It is hard to decide which is my favorite reason for dressing. One, is the ability to escape from the demands of everyday life and look at things from an entirely different perspective. The second is somewhat related to the first, in that dressing allows me to better understand a small fraction of the myriad of everyday challenges women face. Why does it take women so long to get ready to go out? Now I know!

How would you describe your style?
Can’t say that I have a definitive style, but I do gravitate to clothes that are probably not considered appropriate for women my age. If you have the figure, flaunt it. With the help of the most understanding girlfriend in the world, I am trying to incorporate more age appropriate attire into my wardrobe and toning down the makeup somewhat.

Where are your favorite places to shop?
Places to shop: I recently relocated, so I am temporarily at a loss for a traditional brick and mortar store. There are a number of online shops (TBFS, En Femme, etc) that provide a variety of quality products that I consider essential. I have tried Chic Me a couple of times and while satisfied with the quality, I am still trying to decipher their sizing info.

What piece of advice would you share to someone starting dressing?
Phew, there are so many things that warrant mention, but what I found to be most useful was a professional makeup and photo session. While the whole experience can seem rather daunting, the benefits are well worth it. The people I have encountered at these sessions have been nothing but professional, discreet, supportive, knowledgeable of their craft, and most importantly fun!

Want to be a TBFS Girl? Send us an e-mail!

2 thoughts on “TBFS Girls: Meet Trish”

  1. sidney or cindy 5o

    I am finingmore places in my area that don’t care if shop in there $tore it fell good to be. welcome thank you

  2. Hi Trish this is Melissa Sue. You look awesome I hope some day I will look that great. Keep it up sweetheart.

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